

thermodynamics 热力学


work 功 

irreversible process 不可逆过程 

energylaw ofenergy conservation 能量守恒定律 

temperature 温度 

thermal equilibrium 热平衡 

Zeroth law ofthermodynamics 热力学第零定律 

emperature scale 温标 

thermometer 温度计 

thermodynamicsscale oftemperature 热力学温标 

density 密度 

mass 质 量 

pressure 压力 

gauge pressure表压

absolute pressure 绝对压力 

system 系统 

boundary 边 界 

surrounding 外界 

cosed system 闭口系统

open system 开口系统 

quantity of state 状态 参数 


reversibleprocess 可逆过程 

irreversible process 不可逆过程

quasistaticprocess 准静态过程 

isovolumetric process 定容过程 

adiabatic process 绝热过程

isothermaprocess 定温过程 

polytrophic process 多变过程

P-V diagram P-V 图

absolute work 绝对功 

technical work 技术功 

kinetic energy 动能

potential energy 势能

internal energy 内能

specific internal energy 比内能 

specific heat capacity 比热容 

constant volume specific heat capacity定容比热容 

constant pressure specific heat capacity 定压比热容

flow energy 流动能

en thalpy 烩 

specific en thalpy 比熔 

late nt heat 潜热 

sen sible heat 显热

law of con servati orofenergy 能量守恒定律 

first law of thermodynamics 热力学第一定律 

nozzle 喷管 

heat engine 热机

perpetual-motion machine offirst kind 第一类永动机 

ideal gas 理想气体

imperfect gas非理想气体

equation of state 状态方程式

universal gas constant通用气体常数

ratio of specific heat capacity 比热容比 

Joule-Thomson effect 焦耳一汤姆逊效应 

partialpressure分压力 Dalton”s 10道尔顿定律 

humidity 湿度 dry air 千空气 

absolute humidity绝对湿度

saturated steam pressure饱和蒸汽压

relative humidity 相对湿度

dew point 露点

cycle 循环 

reciprocating engine 往复式发动机

bottom dead center 下止点

top dead center上止点 

thermal eficiency 热效率 

refrigerator 制冷机 

heat pump 热泵 


irreversibility 不 可逆性

second law of thermodynamic 热力学第二定律 

Clausius statement 克劳修斯表述

Kelven-Plankstatement 开尔文-普朗克表述 

perpetual-motion machine of second kind 第二 类永动机 


Carnot cycle卡诺循环 

Clausius integral克劳修斯 积分 

Causius inequality克劳修斯不等式 

entropy 熵 

absolute entropy 绝对 

principle of the in crease ofen tropy 增原理

T-S diagram T-S图 

real gas 实际气体 

steam 蒸汽 

boilingsaturation pressure 饱和压力

wet saturated steam 湿蒸汽沸腾

evaporation 汽化

convergent nozzle 渐缩喷管

critical pressure 临界压力 

Mach number 马赫数 

compressionignition engine 压缩点火发动机 

Diesel cycle 狄赛尔循环 

combined cycle 混合加热循环 

gas turbine燃气轮机 

steam prime mover 蒸汽原动机 

boiler 锅炉


heat transfer 热传递 

heat conduction 导热 

convection 对流 

natural convection 自然对流 

freeconvection 自由对流 

forced convection 强制对流 

heat transfer by convection 对流换热 

phasechange 相变 

evaporation 蒸发 

boiling 沸腾 

condensation 凝结 

melting 融化 

solidification 凝 固

thermal radiation 热辐射 

temperature field 温度场 

steady-state conduction 稳态温度场 

ransientconduction 非稳态温度场 

temperature gradient 温度梯度 

sotherms 等温线 

cartesian coordinates直角坐标系 

heat flux 热流密度矢量 

Fourier's law 导热基本定律 

heat Diffusion Equation导热微分方程式 

initial conditions 初始条件 

boundary conditions 边界条件 

thermal contact resistance接触热阻 

isothermalplace 等温面 

heat transfer rate 热流量 

heat flux lines 热流线 

heat flux热流密度 

thermal conductivity 导热系数 

thermal diffusivity 热扩散率 

heat transfer coeficient换热系数 

thermal resistance 热阻 

thermal resistance of fouling 污垢热阻 

overall thermal resistance总热阻 

overall coefficient of heat transfer 传热系数 

convection heat transfer 对流换热 

dimensionalanalysis 量纲分析 

boundary layer 边界层 

analysis of the order of magnitude in boundary layer边界层的数量级分析 

boundary layer integral equation 边界层 积分方程 

boundary layer diferentialequation 边界层微分方程 

boundary grid point 边界节点 

boundary layer condition 边界条件 

turbulentflow 湍流 

Nusselt number 努谢尔特数 

Reynolds number 雷诺数 

Prandtl number 普朗特数 

Grashofnumber 格拉晓夫数 

external flow 外部流动 

flow along a flat plate 外掠平板 

reference temperature定性温度 

equivalent diameter 当量直径 

boiling heat transfer 沸腾换热 

low across single tube横掠单管 

flow across tube bundles 横掠管束 

pool boiling 大容器沸腾 

flow boiling 流动沸腾 

forcedconvection boiling 强制对流沸腾 

subcooled boiling 过冷腾 

surface boiling 表面沸腾 

subcooltemperature 过冷温度 

saturated boiling 饱和沸腾 

bulx boiling 容积沸腾 

superheat 过热度 

maximumheatflux point最大热流 密度点 

nucleation center 核化中心 

nucleate boiling 核态沸腾 

burn out烧毁

minimum heat flux point 最小热流密度点 

film boiling 膜态沸腾 

transition boiling 过渡沸腾 

spheroidalstate 球形状态 

boiling curve 沸腾曲线 

condensation 凝结 


flm condensation 膜状凝结 

drop-wise condensation 珠状凝结 

mixed condensation 混合凝结 

radiation heat transfer 辐射换热 

absolute black body 绝对黑体 

gray body 灰体 

view factor 角系数 

spectrum 光谱 

Planckradiation law 普朗克辐射定律 

Rayleigh formula 雷莱公式 

emissivity 辐射率 

reflectivity 反射比

emissive power 辐射力 

degree of blackness 黑度 

irradiation 投入辐射 

radiosity 有效辐 射 

diffusereflection 漫反射 

diffuse surface 漫射表面 

thermal shield 遮热板 

heat exchanger 换热器 

parallel-flow 顺流 

counter-fow 逆流 

effectiveness of heat exchanger 换热器的效能

log-mean temperaturedifference 对数平均温差

Two Phase Cooling 两相冷却

Vapor Chamber 蒸气盒子,均温板,均热板

Heat Pipe 热管

Thermosiphons 虹吸热管

Oscillating 振荡

Pulsating 脉动

Loop Heat Pipes 回路式热管

Immersion Cooling 浸入式冷却


weld defect 焊接缺陷 

crack 裂纹 

pit 凹坑 

burn through 烧穿 burn through

excessive penetration 塌陷 

fish eye/flake 白点 

misalignment/dislocation 错边/错位 

destructive test 破坏检验 

pressure test 耐压检验 

pneumatictest 气压检验 

welding electrode 焊条

welding rod 焊条

welding wire 焊丝

welding fixture 焊接夹具

welding paste 焊接药膏

welding powder 焊粉
